Monday, November 2, 2009

Your Dog's Health - How You Can Save the Family Picnic With a Well-Stocked First-Aid Kit

Scratches, bumps and bruises, insect bites and can ruin a very good picnic or camping trip, if you are not ready. While you are packing band aids and aspirin for the children, do not forget a first aid kit for the dog pack, too.

Water, water and more water.

Water plays many roles in your dog's health, while in the park, campsite or on the beach. Their activities and the excitement level on the road are likely to be much higher than at home, in conjunction withplenty of sun, they can quickly succumb to dehydration or heat injury. Make sure she always has access to plenty of cool, clean water.

Water is encrusted for the detergents and cleaning products wounds mud between the toes. Before the family piles are again in a closed-up car for the trip home, clean water and a small dog shampoos also very useful for cutting the "wild thing" scent dogs on camping trips seem to generate!

Scratches and cuts.

Scratchesand cuts are for a dog while playing together and explore. While most of the cuts is not an immediate treatment is required, all parts are cleaned and larger cuts should be protected from infection. Band-Aids work on the children, but not as much blurrier on our friends, so be sure to violate freedom of gauze and gauze tape have mobile phones, as well as an antiseptic ointment. Wash the wound with clean water and the application of the ointment . Thus roving tongue licking you keep the ointment andit from collecting dirt on the wound, cover the ointment with gauze and wrap it with the damage-free band. The wrap is dirty, but the wound remains clean.

Stickers, stings and bites.

While the puppies quickly from bumps and bruises that are a ... thorn ... even more difficult question. Tweezers are a useful tool to remove thorns and stickers from soft paws. Use After removing the pin or sticker, clean water to wash the entire foot, including the hollow between theirPads and in-between her toes.

Every encounter with the local wildlife, or insect nests inevitably leads to a swollen, tender nose. There are many possible injuries that may result from wildlife encounters that are beyond the scope of first aid, so that the best treatment is prevention. Keeping a tight leash, while on the trail can only save a hurried trip to the vet and your dog from annoying or frightening other hikers to prevent.

Wildlife encounters for first aid isWashing up is limited, plucking any thorns or spines, and the treatment of any reactions to allergens or toxins. Benadryl is a very handy first-aid supplies, reduce the stop itching, vomiting, control, ease of travel sickness, anti-snake toxins, and the swelling of bee stings and insect bites. However, Benadryl with other medications your dog may be able to respond, and may not be safe for dogs with certain heart diseases. You need to discuss the use and dosage of Benadryl withYour veterinarian before it is necessary to first aid!

After a day romp through the weeds, make sure your dog for check ticks. Thoroughly inspect the entire body, including in the ears. If you find a tick, grasp it with tweezers on the head, body and do not pull it straight out. A quick jerk will contribute to the jaws completely. Look at the area in which the corresponding found evidence of Lyme disease for the next few days.

A new application of flea andTick control medications for your race before heading out is approved for your camping trip is highly recommended.

With a well-stocked first-aid kit handy can prevent a fun day in the park or a camping weekend is not a nightmare. While packing for the kids, give some thought, even for your dog and the special needs they have.

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