Used as a mouthwash will get rid of cancer sores, painful teeth and gums. I have advised many of my subjects, a combination of Echinacea and Golden Seal used asa cure for sore throat. The results have had direct effect and the streptococci, was out of town within a few days.
Combine equal parts. Put about a tablespoon of powder into a cotton tea bags and steep in boiling water for 10 minutes. With it as hot as you can stand it, but not too hot to scold the tonsils, gargle, and about 5 minutes at least 6 times a day any more. Thus the treatment of streptococci and soothe the throat, but most important is, after releasepus sacks in tact, on the back of the neck. If you spit the liquid after gargling She spat the pus bags as well. You may do well to 1 or 2 drops of liquid in each ear. This is to help the itching away. Continue use for approximately 10 days.
Echinacea tea can be used for colds, smallpox, measles, mumps, and arthritis.
Put about a tablespoon of powder into a cotton tea bags and steep in boiling water for 20 minutes.Remove tea bags and drink very hot, about 6 cups per day throughout the day. You'll notice that when you urinate more frequently and can have a darker color than usual. This is normal, do not worry, the cleaning of the system. You may also notice that when a low-grade fever is present, it is reduced if not gone his.
If fever or symptoms that would last for slightly more than three days, it is advisable to consult a doctor, as other problems may be present.
About 1-1/2 X 2 inches tall and muslin with a string of cotton. One tea bag will be used at least thrice. So, after each use, place them in a sealed plastic bag in the refrigerator. Discard product but throw away the tea bag, wash and reuse.
Point in fact:
My neighbor has a black lab named Abby. She is the sweetest old gal at the age of 14 years. The other day she got into a tiff with a dog the other neighbors and bought a gap inher leg. My neighbor was not realized until the skin was wounded in the leg began to Abby's coming off in clumps. All he had on hand at the time was a sealed bottle of Echinacea pills to treat the wound, until he could bring Abby to a vet.
I told him to dry clean the wound with hydrogen peroxide saturated cotton, and can empty 1 / 2 of the powdered Echinacea pill in the wound, spray it lightly moistened with water, wrap and leave on until morning. The next day, when he removedthe pack, came pus in a stream and you could see the swelling in his leg to go downward. He drained the wound for about 10 minutes, then repeated my instructions. Because the wound was too deep, Abby was not sewn stitches, so that the wound was left to deal with. He reiterated my instructions to reapply fresh echinacea twice a day. On the third day the wound was almost closed with the scab forms and the infection was gone. He was really surprised at the healing power of echinacea and quite frankly,I was
Echinacea is also the treatment of other diseases: influenza, tonsillitis, bronchitis, tuberculosis, meningitis, abscesses, dermatitis, whooping cough, ear infections, herpes, cold sores, cancer, leukemia, and some tumors.
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