Saturday, October 31, 2009

Dealing With Fleas and Ticks

The summer is wonderful, but they can bring some nasty little creatures - fleas and ticks!

Most of us love summer, but if your dog is disturbed by this summer pests - namely, fleas and ticks, it is not so much fun.

Itchy skin, excessive scratching and the possibility of serious diseases like Lyme disease or Rocky Mountain spotted fever, are just some of the annoying (and dangerous) accompaniments, a flea or tick problem.

Fleas - Fleas arevery small, black creatures, which sometimes can be seen crawling through your dog's coat. They are easiest to spot around the eyes, ears and abdomen. If your dog is allergic to the components of flea saliva, he or she could develop into flea dermatitis. This is a condition that causes itchy, irritated, sometimes weepy skin, excessive scratching and loss of hair in the spots that are sometimes quite large.

A flea can bite your dog up to 400 times a day, soonly imagine how bad it is when we have 20, 30 or even 100 fleas crawling around!

Ticks - Ticks can be very different in size from very small, about the size of a pinhead, some of which may be as large as a kernel of corn - particularly if they are filled with blood. They have tear-shaped body, 8 legs and can be black, brown, tan or black and red color.

When it comes to the evil parasites such as fleas and ticks, is to prevent in any case better than cure and there are many different productsDesigned on the market that has been created to sell to kill or prevent fleas and ticks from her house in your dog's have fur.

Products such as flea collars, sprays or powders are not very effective in general. The best, fast-acting and longest lasting protection comes (from the popular current fluids such as Advantage or Frontline Plus), are applied, the skin of your puppy on a monthly basis.

You must consider your dog's level of infestation and choose carefullyTo use when determining the fleas, ticks or fleas, and medicine. Advantage works very fast (kill all fleas on your pet within 12 hours), but only kills hatched lice. Frontline Plus works almost as fast (kill all the fleas and ticks on your pup within 18 hours), but kills adult fleas, eggs and larvae, PLUS it also kills ticks.

Fleas and ticks protective equipment such as Advantage or Frontline Plus are very safe and effective if used according to the manufacturer's instructions. But as with anyType of medication or drugs, you must be sure to follow the directions on the package very carefully.

Here are a few tips to get you to kill your puppy fleas and ticks for sure:

1. Make sure that your puppy is at least the min. recommended age for the product you want to use.

2. Follow the instructions very carefully, very carefully to the weight guidelines. Never use a medication meant for dogs cats - or vice versa!

3rd Wash your handsthoroughly after applying the liquid and avoid coming into contact with the skin or eyes.

4. Keep all medicines in a cool place, safely stored out of reach of children or pets.

5. If you think your puppy is ill or is acting in an unusual manner after treatment to seek immediate advice from your veterinarian.

Once you have your puppy free from fleas and ticks, treat it as a rule a good idea, their beds, blankets, boxes, carpets and home textiles, as well. Every living fleasincrease in your next house, and jump back on the little puppy. The current medication then kills them, but it will process much faster if you have a thorough job of removing not primarily.

You can use different types of sprays or "(" bombs pressurized canisters of chemicals to kill the fleas to buy) and a treatment should be sufficient, unless your puppy had a severe flea problem. You can repeat the process, or even call in a professional pest control companythe job for you.

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