Saturday, October 31, 2009

Dealing With Fleas and Ticks

The summer is wonderful, but they can bring some nasty little creatures - fleas and ticks!

Most of us love summer, but if your dog is disturbed by this summer pests - namely, fleas and ticks, it is not so much fun.

Itchy skin, excessive scratching and the possibility of serious diseases like Lyme disease or Rocky Mountain spotted fever, are just some of the annoying (and dangerous) accompaniments, a flea or tick problem.

Fleas - Fleas arevery small, black creatures, which sometimes can be seen crawling through your dog's coat. They are easiest to spot around the eyes, ears and abdomen. If your dog is allergic to the components of flea saliva, he or she could develop into flea dermatitis. This is a condition that causes itchy, irritated, sometimes weepy skin, excessive scratching and loss of hair in the spots that are sometimes quite large.

A flea can bite your dog up to 400 times a day, soonly imagine how bad it is when we have 20, 30 or even 100 fleas crawling around!

Ticks - Ticks can be very different in size from very small, about the size of a pinhead, some of which may be as large as a kernel of corn - particularly if they are filled with blood. They have tear-shaped body, 8 legs and can be black, brown, tan or black and red color.

When it comes to the evil parasites such as fleas and ticks, is to prevent in any case better than cure and there are many different productsDesigned on the market that has been created to sell to kill or prevent fleas and ticks from her house in your dog's have fur.

Products such as flea collars, sprays or powders are not very effective in general. The best, fast-acting and longest lasting protection comes (from the popular current fluids such as Advantage or Frontline Plus), are applied, the skin of your puppy on a monthly basis.

You must consider your dog's level of infestation and choose carefullyTo use when determining the fleas, ticks or fleas, and medicine. Advantage works very fast (kill all fleas on your pet within 12 hours), but only kills hatched lice. Frontline Plus works almost as fast (kill all the fleas and ticks on your pup within 18 hours), but kills adult fleas, eggs and larvae, PLUS it also kills ticks.

Fleas and ticks protective equipment such as Advantage or Frontline Plus are very safe and effective if used according to the manufacturer's instructions. But as with anyType of medication or drugs, you must be sure to follow the directions on the package very carefully.

Here are a few tips to get you to kill your puppy fleas and ticks for sure:

1. Make sure that your puppy is at least the min. recommended age for the product you want to use.

2. Follow the instructions very carefully, very carefully to the weight guidelines. Never use a medication meant for dogs cats - or vice versa!

3rd Wash your handsthoroughly after applying the liquid and avoid coming into contact with the skin or eyes.

4. Keep all medicines in a cool place, safely stored out of reach of children or pets.

5. If you think your puppy is ill or is acting in an unusual manner after treatment to seek immediate advice from your veterinarian.

Once you have your puppy free from fleas and ticks, treat it as a rule a good idea, their beds, blankets, boxes, carpets and home textiles, as well. Every living fleasincrease in your next house, and jump back on the little puppy. The current medication then kills them, but it will process much faster if you have a thorough job of removing not primarily.

You can use different types of sprays or "(" bombs pressurized canisters of chemicals to kill the fleas to buy) and a treatment should be sufficient, unless your puppy had a severe flea problem. You can repeat the process, or even call in a professional pest control companythe job for you.

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Friday, October 30, 2009

Cancer in Dogs - Care and Treatment Alternatives for Prevention and Cure

How you can help restore health to your dog with no non-invasive methods and support a healthier level of care. Thirty years of experience, a research physiologist, did better than 90% success with dogs, older dogs with other health challenges.

Part I: Who I am and what I have learned

I am a research physiologist. This means that I study how biological systems work, as they stress, and how they back from illness and injury.

I studiedGrowths had been for almost thirty years and have a high degree of
Success with dogs, horses and humans. Because my methods are non-invasive
and non-pharmaceutical, it is not a pharmaceutical company, veterinarians or doctors rich.

If someone has a dog with cancer, they usually find me through friends of people who have my methods successfully used on other dogs.

I use the Internet to get information on the methodology to the world because it isThere are too many dogs who suffer unnecessarily and too many owners who are suffering because they do not know how to help.

I have the information to more than forty people who had / have placed dogs with cancer are available. Almost all of these dogs were 7 or more years old and was 18 years old when his owner began to use these methods. Most dogs were considered "trash" cases under the traditional researcher. These are cases in which the animal several problems (diabetes, obesity, arthritis,Blindness, etc.) and not test the conditions for new drugs or to be viable candidates for the surgery and radiation.

The methods I propose to require changes in diet, bedding and care of the dog. It takes more time than most owners had their pets have been in many years. Approx. 1-2 hours daily. The advantages of this method are much higher quality of life for the animal, a rejuvenation, as if the animals were getting younger and more vital, and theComfort to see that the animal happy and healthy with the prospect of more years of life.

There are many issues that arise, how to use methods, with their dogs. There are differences in the environment, stress response of the dog, the history of diseases and injuries, the length of time to heal from palpable tumors. That is why I am the beginning of the publication, so we organize the information and make it accessible to people.

In 1977, I had an insight that excess heatsystemically would occur causing growths and had the theory that cancer is a "hot house" effect was. That is, would be a surplus of systemic heat distort cells and stimulate growth. Because of this varied, the cells would be the thermal load and the system to its thermal setpoints would change to make room and then to defend the state of the excess heat led to growing tumors and the system to accelerate progress on the numbers of multiple growths (metastasis). If the excess heatcould be reduced and the system is allowed under the low-normal thermodynamic conditions are active, would reabsorb the growths.

I had done with two types of mice, mammary tumor virus (MTV) mice and athymic mice that were previously bred lack a thymus and had no immune system. I had great success in the eradication of tumors in MTV-mice and in a dramatic improvement in the immunocompetence of athymic mice, so that they are met outside the sterile conditions were not too sickor becomes ill.

One day I gave my 12 years old female spade a bath and found that she had seven "chunks" on the mammary lines. I took her to my vet and he diagnosed it as cancer. I asked him to monitor it because there were few treatment options, and after checking her liver and kidney function, "he agreed. Had she been with kidney or liver trouble, he would have to pass them to the ground.

I worked for a number of protocols for the cooling system and itsNormalization of the distribution of the heat of her body. A month later, I went with her to the vet. She only had two tumors on the left and both were reduced in size. Six weeks later I came back, and she had no palpable tumors.

I went to my ways with thirty-two people in the area to share. All had success with the removal of tumors and restore the health of their animals.

Later I had experience with another vet, if two dogs were the first study: aresponds to the older dogs and it did not. When I interviewed the second person, I found that they did not follow instructions because she "knew" her dog would die, and just "wanted to make him happy."

Since then, six other dogs were supported by the methods. One had a bone cancer that its owner has decided to change "unlikely" and were instructed, brought the dog from your veterinarian. The other five animals were greatly improved in general health and hadcomplete absorption of tumors. Two dogs are on the methods of how to write this book.

In the following sections, I introduce the methods that have been used. If your dog has some unusual needs, and has several forms of degeneration, and you need immediate help, you can contact me via e-mail and we can use a telephone appointment. I have to charge for such consultations and plan to have her for my other professional commitments.

Joan McKenna

2811 ML King Jr. Way

BerkeleyCalifornia 94,703

(510) 548-4000

Part II: factors to consider: food, water and removing

Food treats, and toys Chewies

Dogs love the food recommended in this method. They will often lick their empty shells long after the meal was eaten. They tend to be extremely territorial about this food, so a separate feeding may be necessary if there are other dogs / cats in the house.

I recommend that you give your dog only meat, fishand poultry. Raw or lightly cooked. Your dog's genetic history is that of a wolf. Your dog's gene pool, ate what they could hunt if they get sick, various weeds and grasses. The weeds and grasses provide a sodium plant-based.

You have to feed a pound of frozen or fresh meat / fish / poultry for each 50 pounds of body weight per day of purchase. Lamb, turkey and salmon (recommended doses). Can have beef hormones and growth promoters that are not in the fileFood is recommended.

To the meat add a tablespoon of organic coconut oil or corn oil (linoleic acid) and a tablespoon of cider vinegar per thirty pounds of weight. These substances facilitate elimination of toxins.

To this mixture a quantity of deionized water to add (available at health food stores, Whole Foods and other markets with water or the use of machinery Aqua Fina Mineral Water)
To determine how much deionized water, use the ratio of one ounce per pound of the dog 'sWeight. For example, a 30-pound dog, 30 ounces (slightly less than one liter) have de-ionized water added to his food.

Mix the meat, oil, vinegar and water together to make a "porridge" too. May lean in cold climates or for dogs, the pulp is heated.

If the dog has a little appetite to begin to share the porridge into two or more parts and give the dog several portions during the day.

If the dog's fur / skin is dry, add afurther one or two tablespoons of coconut oil.

If it is the history of gum problems, tooth loss, arthritis or bone cancer, supplementing the broth with 500 mg of silica (Alta Fire tablets or a liquid equivalent) per 50 kg bodyweight. Vegetal Silica is a material that can convert the body of the animal in any form of calcium required.

If open sores or lesions are present, add a Norweigan Kelp tablet twice daily.

No other food, please. The program was developed to Return to your dog's body normal physiological function. This means the abolition of the manufactured foods, food and table embassies, all the grains and soy products. It means eliminating indigestible material success as a raw hide chews and pig ears.
It also means avoiding fruits and sweets such as "Kong" with frozen peanut butter and honey. Even those healthy vegetables in your diet that you will not be considered part of your dog's diet for some time.

YourAdvanced> Dog's ancestors, without the manufactured products. The "health" of cereals for dogs is like sugar for humans. The results are identical, and the stress on their liver, gallbladder, pancreas and nervous system effects of the past. What takes 20 years, until a person takes damage two years in a dog.

Dogs will usually eat what you give them. Precisely because it does not mean eating something and want more, it's good for them.

Do you have to give them food to theLove? Hold back some of the meat from the broth to boil and in some "meatballs" that keep you in the refrigerator or freezer too.

There are other ways to show you love your dog.


Change the dog's water every day. Keep the bowl full, or give more than a bowl. Use deionized water. If it is not evident in the first of the dog (it has no smell) a bit of tap in.

Lower the lid on the toilet and make sure that the outside of the area has noto drink stagnant water for the dog. Even rain water is now bringing down petrochemicals and other toxins. These stress and overheating of the liver. If you bring your dog to a lake or a river or the sea, you have the dog back because of the toxic materials that he may be exposed to wash.


Dogs with cancer need to urinate three to five times more frequently than in healthy dogs.
Their bodies form a corrosive irritant that stimulates urineBubbles and causes the bladder sphincter to spasm.

If your dog can not open access to a place to urinate, he must be sure to walk him four or more times per day. Even if he managed to hold his urine for a long time, it creates a huge weight on his body

When his health improved, he is two to four bowel movements and some may loose or watery. Not reduce its water intake or the water portion of the pulp.

If his system was overheating, hewas like a dried plant. Water runs only at first, but if irrigation continues, water may be held in a normal manner.

The deionized water used to rehydrate and cool and dilute toxins to be eliminated.

Do not worry about the desalinated water will cause mineral loss. Bone is set when the system cools down, or there is stress activity. They are cooling it and you will play with him, around him, an active dog.

Part III: PhysicalCooling: brushing, bathing, swimming and rolling in the snow

If an animal has cancer, the blood is hot and has a low oxygen partial pressure. This means that focus on the hypothalamus, the superheated low oxygen blood in the internal organs and the brain. Edition, this is distorted and metabolic function is compromised.

(Boyle's Law explains how solubility of gases increases with the heat in a liquid and increases the liquid cooled)
In order to restore normal circulation and coolthe whole body of the dog and brush daily misting is not necessary.
Have a natural bristle brush with long enough to reach the skin. Have a quart spray bottle filled with water. Do you have a towel under the dog or spray outside if the weather permits.
If the dog has extremely long hair, have the dog's hair between half and one inch long occupied. Heavy coated dogs do not live in a cool overheated outside to a cold environment to be chronic.Trim down long-haired dogs over the whole year if you live in a temperate or warm climate.

At least once a day, easy to spray or "fog" the dog's coat. Then brush start at the top and downwards in the direction that the hair grows or falls. Brush the entire body of the dog, until you feel waves of heat radiation from the dog's body. You can spray again and repeat the process. Be sure that the skin is completely dry when you're done.

Your dog willUsually love this. Not concentrate on palpable tumors, but they also deal with areas of normal tissue. If there is open sores or lesions, brush around them, but they can generally among the syringes. If there are multiple skin ulcers, use the desalinated water, the sterile water in a spray bottle.

Bathe your dog

If your dog needs to be bathed (most do not if) they are brushed daily, a very simple shampoo such as Castile, glycerin or baby shampoo. Do"scrub", but only foam and rinse off.

Dry with towels. Do not use a hair dryer. Once the skin is moist, you can brush as described above.


If your dog is a swimmer, you can add it to swim. Then towel dry it, then when you bring him home, bathe him. The sea, lakes, rivers and streams that may have contaminants, s pollutants, bacteria and other foreign matter clinging to the dog "can hide. Later, the dog can purify himself and take up theseMaterial. To bathe, and then with the brush your pet.

Rolls in the snow and running in the rain

Many dogs love to romp in the snow and it is in rolls or lie down in it to resist and leave.

Cooling in this way feels good and animates them. But, like swimming, pollutants can be found in the snow and it is important to them out below, then rinse it off completely, or to swim when you get home.

The people living in the countryside or in the mountains might not be willing to do so, but the fact isthat pollution is everywhere. Acid rain and air pollution also survived in remote areas. In rural areas, the factories are often there will be tolerated where the contamination of the environment to enable a job. If you find that it) to an epidemic of cancer in farm and companion animals (or people, you can do this with local agencies address.

Who has in some areas where it has a long history of mining, radioactive material brought to the surface and led meltsin a higher level of radioactive pollutants in air, water and soil. This means that the local plants contain a higher concentration of radioactive material, even if organic varieties.

If you live in an area where mining or processing occurs, grow your own grass flats in the house so your pet can access the benefits of eating grass, when he needs a laxative. Overheated, dehydrated conditions can cause a pet is very hard stools or actual obstruction.

Part IV:Environmental Issues

If you have developed your pet cancer, take stock of what has changed in the area of your pet. This should also include what changes in your personal life.

Some possible causes of increased anxiety in a pet would include jealousy of a new partner or a new pet, new carpeting or flooring, new appliances in the home, new heating or cooling, new animals in the neighborhood, new neighbors with new sounds by humans, animals or equipment, newCleaning chemicals are used in the dwelling, change of access to people or rooms in the house, change of occupants in the apartment (child to college, children at home) than by sport; change in care, longer time between the dog's new dog sitters, longer stays in the kennel.

Like humans, dogs are sensitive to their environment and the beings who are there with them. Some dogs are so sensitive to their owners that if the owner of sadness or loss of the dog's experiences maybecome depressed or anxious. This can create changes in the dog's behavior, eating habits, behavior towards other pets and increased fear of intruders, dogs, cats, squirrels or humans.

The key can ask yourself and your family about what happened in the last 6 or 8 months and how the impact of your pet.

If you have a new location moving at a distance from your former home, there may be other environmental factors that will affect your pet, sooner orlater. The animals have shown that having health problems from environmental pollutants and toxins. In some areas where radioactive materials are removed, the surrounding area have a much higher level or radioactive material into the soil, water and plants that can be used for pets to be carcinogenic. Local spraying of trees, grasses and lakes can leave toxic residues that your dog takes his cloak and then takes to himself when he bridegroom.

A change in the amount of stress can make an animal when theynot gradually become accustomed to the higher altitude. Driving a pet to a new heights at home about one or two days more for a successful adaptation to this form of "stress" as a journey to do with the aircraft. A change in the height of 1500 meters or more a cause for serious physiological adaptations in the volume of blood and bone. A change is sufficient to be able to reduce oxygen in the blood cause chronic anxiety and panic in the dog. Make these changes gradually so your pet can customize withlittle stress.

Part V: Owner Issues

Harmony in the Home

Your pet is sensitive to the emotional atmosphere around him. Fighting, even the cold, quiet, split your pet and increases your pet's anxiety. This leads to stress on the kidneys of your pet, through stimulation of the adrenal glands, irritability and fatigue.

Make peace with each other and the world for your pet or make the fight. A quiet environment is best for you andfor your pet.

Avoid Grieving About Your Pet

Your pet can be a life-threatening form of cancer or condition. They can become very disturbed by it. Grieving family and friends to start when thinking of a future loss of your pet.

My dog does not know that this is what happens. He only knows that you are upset, sad and fearful. It makes him nervous. He wants you to return to his "Alpha-owner and friend. Your grief may even scare him.

If you feel theFuneral coming up, you go take a walk without your pet. Go to a friend's house and have a good reputation.

If you lose to think that your dog, the remind you that all dogs could get into heaven. Now go home and take good care of your very helpful dog alive.

If you find that your dog is suffering, or that the cancer can not do major damage recovery unlikely to bring your friends, your vet or a humane society and wish him well found. He wants to love youforever.

Noise Pollution

Consider a use of headphones instead of blasting the stereo or TV. Dogs have more sensitive hearing than humans, and the avoidance of excessive noise (no matter how much you love the band) to avoid hurting your pet's ears. Remember: pain, caused by and leads to an inflammatory reaction. Your pet needs to cool and heal.

Control of bladder function

If your dog can go eight, ten or twelve hours without urinating, you may have thought there was noProblem.

The problem is that you do. Healthy dogs must be walked and urinate - three or four times a day. An animal with cancer may need to urinate six to eight times per day, for he can be a corrosive urine that irritates his adductor muscle of the bladder removed.

Your pet will try to keep them until you choose to walk or let him out. If you are not home, he can not get out. Hold the corrosive urine is painful. It is also unhealthy because it irritates the bladder and back, and can lead toKidneys.

Are equipped with water bowls in different places, so that he will never be without water. That makes him urinate any more. It dilutes the urine, so it is less irritating his bladder.
Go to your dog often.

These procedures are beneficial to all dogs, but especially those associated with cancer and diseases with aging. Their care and attention is therapeutic and prolong the life of your pet. I often hear from veterinarians and owners, that the effect ofThe program is a revitalization of the dogs. A doctor explained that the improvement in a 13 years old dog as if the animal had been five years younger.

Joan McKenna

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Thursday, October 29, 2009

Dog Ailments and How to Combat Them

Complaints and diseases are a part of the living process. It is only normal to feel sick once in a while and go through the difficulties and sufferings of illness, if they are not treated, and prevent, as far as possible that it happens to have you back. Illness and rehabilitation is only part of the whole continuum of life.

This is very similar to the animals. Man's best friend, the dog goes through a series of illnesses and ailments in their livesand it is up to us, their owners and protectors to prevent them from falling into the disease and not to recover. The best way to ensure that our dogs are as fit as can be throughout their lives is through quick and knowledgeable explanation of the various diseases that can weaken it.

Measures to ensure a healthy dog:

Fleas are particularly annoying little creatures that are the bane of many a dog "s existence. Some dog owners tolerate fleasas a necessary evil, but that's not the case with the dogs. Dogs react to fleas by scratching and biting produces the eczematous lesions, which can lead to infections. This makes the dog's life so miserable and unhappy if the owner and intercession with flea control, this problem is not completely eliminated. Flea destruction depends on the destruction of eggs, larvae and adult fleas. They should be wiped off the dog and may prevent his environment at theRecurrence. Flea insecticides are now available on the market, and today they come in the form of soaps, detergents, powder, dip or spray. Your dog will certainly be very grateful if you solve his curse for him.

Another problem that can weaken your dog have worms. Roundworms are the most common parasites and are found most often in young dogs. Roundworms can cause a variety of symptoms such as diarrhea, anemia, dull coat and belly. There are some cases of breaches ofLungs and the development of pneumonia as the worms migrate from the blood vessels, the air sacs of the lungs. A healthy diet and proper hygiene in the prevention of worms. The dog should be clean, dry beds have at all times. Before worm medicine to your dog, keep him on a light food with rice, noodles and soup for two days before de-worming.

The best way to become healthy is to prevent diseases from overpowering your immune system. This is the same with the dogs.Today vaccinations for certain diseases that are caused by canine parvovirus, rabies, canine adenovirus and canine distemper virus, are vet of your dog 's available. You can bring your dog to the vet, at a certain age and they offer a vaccination for the dog shot to ensure that it is free of viral diseases for a given period. veterinarians can do that with the correct sequence of shots and if they offer safe to give your dogs.

Dogs offerTheir full dedication, loyalty and love. It is your responsibility to take care them properly.

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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Grooming - Supplies Your Dog Needs

Grooming is important that a boxer dog as it is for you. Can you imagine with unruly hair, dirty fingernails and unwashed cloth? Probably not! Every day we are spending enough to take much time to a bath, get dressed, and various other routines to clean ourselves look good and above all, to stay healthy. Pets also need to be cleaned regularly, though everyday bath is not always necessary. You can take your dog to a groomer in your area, but at a cost ofCourse. However, there is no need for you to spend bucks of money if you can maintain your dog at home.

Learn the proper procedure on how to groom your dog boxer easy. Of course, you will need different grooming supplies. Thus the coat shiny and healthy, choose a shampoo that is specially formulated for a dog. Never use human shampoos because they are too hard for a dog. Check your local pet store or pet supply section at grocery stores for a varietyof shampoos for you to choose from. There are shampoos for light dogs, hypoallergenic shampoos and medicated shampoos for dogs with certain skin problems. Ask consult your veterinarian if you are not sure which to choose. Read product labels carefully. You also need to brush your dog's coat. Since Boxer dogs short hair, a stiff brush and a soft natural bristle brushes are ideal for the natural oils to the hair to distribute.

Dental care is needed toprevent dental disease. To a clean and healthy mouth, brush your dog's teeth with a soft brush and toothpaste specially formulated for dogs. Human toothpaste can cause problems, so never a. You must also clean cotton wool, cotton swabs, damp wash cloth as well as ear cleaning solution for the ears of your pet. Some use mixture of water and hydrogen peroxide as a substitute for the ear cleaning solution, however, veterinarians are now discouragingHydrogen peroxide for homemade ear washes. OhrspĆ¼lung ear or detergent, you can be available from your veterinarian, local pet supply store or pet supply section of grocery stores.

The feet should not be taken for granted. To prevent cutting the nails every two to three weeks to tears, especially during the training session. Nail clippers come in two types-scissor style and guillotine style. File or Dremel tool is also required to cover all sharp edges after clipping file. It isalso important to have styptic powder handy. Styptic powder will stop the bleeding and relieve pain if you accidentally cut the quick.

By these things, you are now ready for your pet care products that you want.

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